Restaurants are starting to become more sustainable and do their part of the planet. Some initiatives include partnering with technological…
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Artisan Green is recognised as one of Singapore’s leading indoor hydroponics farms, which is also the top supplier of locally-grown…
Ray Poh, The Urban Farmer 不畏疫情,勇往直前,在商场冲锋陷阵!年轻是本钱,输赢暂不想 种菜有什么不好?血气方刚的傅元瑞,身体力行“耕种可以做大”。 Text ANNITA HO Photography CHER HIM Styling FELIX WOEI 问Artisan Green董事傅元瑞Ray Poh,做过最大胆的事是哪桩?他想了好久也没有答案,但我从访谈中得到结论。 眼前的傅元瑞,身穿长袖衬衫和西裤,斯斯文文的,笑起来还有点腼腆。实在有点难以想像,他是新加坡中文媒体口中的“城市农夫”。…