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Author: artisan-admin
Baby bok choy (xiao bai cai) grown at Tomato Town, a farm on the rooftop of an HDB multi-storey carpark…
Ooi Boon Keong/TODAYBaby spinach, which is typically imported from Italy, Australia and America, is also difficult to grow in Singapore’s…
This interview details Artisan Green, an indoor farming company based in the Singapore. The interview is with Ray Poh, Founder…
While a well-established farming industry doesn’t necessarily exist in Singapore, there are groups and individuals that look to technical innovations…
绿色人生:“城市农夫”傅元瑞的室内水培农场 Artisan Green founder Ray Poh on using technology to scale local produce for Singapore 从经营赌场博彩业务,转行成为一名“城市农夫”,傅元瑞开设的室内水培农场Artisan Green希望为本地民众提供更新鲜的绿色蔬食,并努力实现政府的“30·30愿景”。 拍摄当天,一位身穿正装的男子捧着一篮蔬菜走进摄影棚,外表文质彬彬,温文尔雅。他是本地室内菜园Artisan Green的创办人傅元瑞(Ray Poh),亦是媒体口中的“城市农夫”。他自12岁起就远赴澳大利亚墨尔本就学,回国当兵后,再返回澳大利亚完成大学文凭。2010年毕业之际,便前往澳门从事家族的博彩企业,他说:“在接触赌场游戏运营的五年里,能亲身观察跨国公司是如何经营的,令我大开眼界。建立人际网络是业务发展的关键,也创建了许多商机,包括将电子公司CY…
In just a short span of two years, incidents on the world stage have exposed the vulnerabilities of the global…
AI and automation increase productivity and efficiency in the farm, says Ray Poh, the Founder and Managing Director of Artisan…
Restaurants are starting to become more sustainable and do their part of the planet. Some initiatives include partnering with technological…